Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Earry...

Happy Birthday to the innovative, artistic, stylish, coolest, funniest brother: Earry Hall! The love you give to others always come back to you, even when you don't know it bro; however, the beauty of giving love to others is the joy of inspiring them, and that's all you really care about. This is why we can proudly call you friend! Peace to You!!

1 comment:

  1. When im in the studio i always speak about my sources of inspiration: my creative family. That definitely includes you Earry. anytime i get musically complacent or dull, you come and pick me up homie. Now,YOU KNOW allllll the ish i go through on this journey of fulfilling my dreams, But i mut say those trials always will take a sideseat to how many great times and memories i have with you and the crew. Congradualtions on making such an impact on me and the illions that come in contact with you in the future. Imma givin ya Two Thumbs up like im texting you!!!lol
